BEST-price japanese hotels


The things I made recently

My kids and I got a cold this week, so we have been mostly staying home.
last night, my son cried a lot because he has a runny nose and could not breath.
I am sooooo sleepy today.
I hope he will get better soon. It is tough for pearents to see children suffer from a desease.
I want to introduce the things I made.
As I told you before, it is a rainy season here in Japan now.
So, we have so much time, staying home.
first, I made Japanese Pickles.
What a huge cucumber! My friend grew this in her gerden and gave some to me.
Just cut into small pieces and sink them in vineger with suger and special soup.
I love this sooo much!
second, I made a singer syrop. with the sylop, you can make original gingerale juice!
You also can use the syrop so many ways!
500ml water and 300g suger into the pot and boil it!
Sliced singers into the pot. boil for 10 minuites!
Third, I made a pizza with my daughter!
I cooked dow of the pizza by home-bakery-machine.
This is so fun for little kids! She helped me a lot!
We put potato, pepper,onion, cheese, bazzil, so many beggitable!
yummy yummy pizza after 20 minutes in the oven!
This is a nama harumaki. Do you know it??
We put celery, carot, chicken, prawn, cucumber, and peanut and roll them up with a rice paper!
This is so healthy and delicious!
The last thing I made is small tiny japanese things that are made of polymer clay.
Sushi, origami crane, carp, gold fish and cherry blossoms
I want to make other accesories with them next!!


Kimono remake 2

We are in a rainy season here in Japan now.
We have so many rainy days and It is so hot and humid, which makes me crazy.
The laundry can not get dry enough and they make stinky smell everywhere.
June is my birth month. When I was little, I did not like this season.
rain,humid,the smell of the laundry, the colour of the sky, hydrangea.
I did not like all of them.
However now I am a mature adult with children.
I feel different of everything.
I feel the season is important for the nature. important for soil to get well-fed, for plants to grow up,
for the nature to get wealthy, and of course it is very important for us to live with the nature.
The flofer hydrangea! I did not like it when I was little, I tought it was not a flower!! it is just leaves!
But now, I love hydrangea so much. Hydrangea is not like other flowers, it is modest and beautiful.
Well, I want to write about how my Kimono remake is going on.
I don't have enough time now, because I am busy raising my monster kids.
When my children sleep, I progress little by little.
I made a puttern and cut into some pieces of Kimono.
I want to make a Kimono tast one piece dress for my daughter.
This is my sawing machine.
I think a few more days will make it.
I look forward to looking at my daughter's reaction when she sees my handmade dress.
Another day,
We went out to the character event.
There were so many different character's who came from different cities.
In japan, many cities have their own characters.
They came to the event for PR of their cities.
My daughter loved this chipmonk.
she said'' What a cute Chipmonk!!!ヾ(*・ω・)ノ゜''
She dashed to it to say hello.
This is from Gihu prefecture, Kinka mountain.
My son loved this one.
I don't know where this is from.
My son crawled so fast on the grass to this character.
This is the picture I took yesterday. 
My son is just a 1 year old boy, but He is sooo powerful.
He clime on a steep slope to the fence with his sister.
I am so suprised of the speed he grows up so quickly.


Taking photos for my 1 year old sun at Meiji Village!

I am now working on Kimono remake, but have not finished yet.
When I finish, I will introduce the pretty dress made of authentic antique Kimono.
Today, I want to put some memorial pictures we took for my sun of 1 year old aniversary.
we went to Meiji village and took photos at some wonderful spots.
Meiji lillage has so many old and historical buildings that existed and actually used in the old time in japan.
It was sooooo hot, before we took photos, we ate shaved ice again!
it was a melon flavor!
I found a sweet place with beautiful flowers!

I made this crawn with fabrics. He is so cute with the crawn!

This is an old police station that used to be actually used long time ago.

 a cool hat!!!

This is not a real sea or late. This is a big pool to supply water for agriculture!
it is still a nice location!!

I wrote the message bourd with his name on it.

this is an old photo studio and real set that are also used long time ago.
it is so nostargic!!


my daughter wanted to take part in this photo!!!!

 a good picture with my precious children's best smiles.
We had a fun time and made a precious memory with sweet photos.
I remember that when my daughter became 1 year old, we also went out to take photos.
I want to put my daughter's photos on the next blog.