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Kimono remake! How to remake 1

I thought the summer had come already, but now we have chilly days here in Japan.
We will have a rainy season soon.
In the rainy season, we have to stay home for a long time, so I start to think that
I want to make something special.
My hoby is handmade as you can see my blog title.
especially, I love Kimono so much, so I want to remake vintage kimono into modern style-clothes.
Silk with high quality is used for vintage traditional kimono.
Because they are vintage and old, some of them have stain, or because they are too small to wear
for modern people, vintage kimono need to get remake into new forms just like clothes, bags, hair
I decide to make a new cloth for my daughter, so I will introduce how to remake kimono.
This is a pink silk vintage kimono. unfortunately, it has some stain spots.
1.carefully, untie all the strings into some peacies of kimono cloth.
2. wash them carefully with water.
3. put them out and dry. Put them in before they get completely dry.
4. Iron all the peacies of cloth.
5. They are all done and you can make anything you want now!!
I will write about a dress for my daughter when I finish!!
One more thing I can not forget is that my son became 1 year old this week.
He can not eat a normal cake, so I made a cake with special cream and sponge that
babies can eat.
This is a product of a japanese company. it says '' a cake set that 1 year old babies can eat!''
This is the cake I made! I put lots of fruit my son loves.
He really liked it and ate it a lot!! I am so happy to see it!!!
Happy birthday my precious son!


Golden week2

It is getting so hot these days.
I feel like that Summer days are coming soon.
We bought a new paddle pool for the garden last weekend, so we want to get ready for the summer!
Now, I and my sister are talking about going out for BBQ. It will be so much fun!!!!
The last day of golden week was a children's day(it is a national holiday in Japan)
We here in Japan, we celebrate baby's first children's day.
We invited grandpa and grandma to our home and had a little parrty.
Congratulation, my son! We clebrate for his helth and his growth.

The golden helmet is the same shape and style as Tokugawa Ieyasu.
We wish he would prosper like him and he would be blessed with good friends.

May happiness come to my daughter and son!!

We bought such a cute cake which had strawberries whose shapes are Totoro.
Do you know Totoro?? He is a wonderful caracter from  the Hayao Miyazaki's movie.

This is Lunch Box(obento) that I made.
I made rice balls of Shaun the Sheep.
They are soooooo cute!!(*´∀`*)We love Shaun the Sheep!!!

My daughter was so exited when she saw this.
'' Wow!!! We also has sheep!!!'' she said.
the Golden week was full of events for us.
We enjoyed so much.
Now, we have a normal life as usual. We look forward to the next holidays!!


Golden week 1

It has been a long time since the last I wrote the blog.
That is because I went to go to sizuoka prefecture for a trip.
We had consecutive 5days holidays in May, and we call the week GOLDEN WEEK.
First, we went to MAKAINO ranch.
There were so many animals, which is super eciting to my daughter.
The sheep was too friendly to humans and sometimes too assortive...ヽ(・∀・人・∀・)ノ
My daughter was feeding the sheep.....but

''He is coming!!!!! He is coming!!!!ε=ε=ε=┏(゚ロ゚;)┛''
She ran and ran!

'' He is still coming!!!!mommy, help!!ε=ε=ε=┏(゚ロ゚;)┛''
I could not help her because I was also afraid....

Now The seep got calm down.

I am all right now!(*^-^*)

I touch him I touch him!!!(*^-^*)

My daghter had so much fun with the sheep in this huge field.

They had a service of ''taking a walk with a sheep''
We took a walk with the brown cute sheep.
BUT! She never tried to walk without feeding her.
To make her walk, we bought so many food for her∑(゚□゚;)
What a clever sheep.

We droped in a aquarium which had a pretty NIMO's world.
Soooo cute!

We also went to a chibimarukochan land.
Can you find where my daughter is???

I really love chibimaruko chan.
the anime started when I was little, and now, my daughter watches it.
That is so good and nostalgic.

Chibimaruko chan and her friend Tama chan

Chibimaruko's sister

How lucky we could have had the picture taken with Chibimaruko chan!!!!
I bet it will be a good memory for my children and also me!!
We had 5 days holidays, so we had more events that I can write here.
We spent so much money.... but we spent special memories.
I want to write more about the holidays next blog.
After the golden week, we have to go back to a normal busy life.
a little pity, I feel.


FUJI wisteria festival

The season of cherry blossams passed away quickly.
Now the next season of wisteria flowers has come.
I love both of flowers, but wistera is a kind of special to me.
It is because my son was born in this season, which means he is going to be 1 year old very soon.
We had a wisteria festival that is close to our house.☆+:;;;;;:+☆ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ☆+:;;;;;:+☆
This was my son's first time to see and touch wisteria flowers.
floral smell was everywhere, and we saw a lot of bees buzzing everywhere.
My daughter said ''scary scary(ノД`)・゜・''
'' They are not so scary unless you stimulate them like that'' I told her.

There was a beautiful brige where we took a picture.

We also had a big pond wich had so many carp.
One of many stalls sold food for carp.
There were so many stalls that we could not pass because my daughter
said ''buy snacks! buy toys!ヽ(#`Д´)ノ''
We bought her shaved ice, and she finally got calm down.

I think he loved the flowers so much.

He tried to touch the flowers, tecnically not touch, grab might be a correct word......
Flowoers are fragile, don't touch too hard, my son.....

Flowers were lovely, and also you are so lovely,too!!o(*≧д≦)o

So many people visited the place.
We have this festival every year, we would love to come again net year.
I wonder my son would walk around with his sister next year.
These are mug cups of my friend's handmade.
Very cute! cawaii!!!
mother's day and father's day are coming soon.
One for grandma. one for grandpa.
I hope they will like it.